Our Expertise

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Stephen Friday

Stephen has been consistently recommended in the independent guides to the legal profession as a leading junior in the fields of clinical negligence and personal injury and he practices exclusively in these areas.His recommendations in the guides describe him as having “<em>a very good eye for detail” </em>and taking “<em>a very hands-on, commercial approach to case-building” </em> as well as being “<em>very forensic in his approach to cases” </em>and <em>“able to filter through large volumes of information to get to the issue(s) in the case.”  </em>His breadth of knowledge, persuasive advocacy and ability to put client’s at ease have all been highlighted.Stephen acts for and against hospital trusts and other healthcare professionals and has wide experience of clinical negligence claims more details of which can be seen on his clinical negligence CV below.Stephen has 25 years of experience dealing with personal injury claims for both Claimants and Defendants and details of his practice can be seen on his personal injury CV below.He routinely but not exclusively acts in high value or catastrophic injury claims and has particular experience in Fatal Accidents Act claims.Recent cases include settlement for a lump sum of £2,100,000 and PPO for life of £40,000 p.a. in a case of incomplete tetraplegia, net of an apportionment of 85/15 in the Claimant’s favour; settlement for £800,000 and PPO for life of £60,000 p.a. in a brain injury case, approved by Mr Justice Jay; settlement at £712,000 in a Fatal Accidents Act claim following the death of a young mother after a delayed diagnosis of cervical cancer and settlement for £300,000 in a case of delayed diagnosis and treatment of compartment syndrome in a brain injured patient, approved by Master Eastman.Stephen previously served as an officer and fast-jet pilot in the Royal Air Force.

Sara Anning

Sara has been a practitioner in family law since 1995.Sara is a specialist family practitioner encompassing both private and public law proceedings with extensive experience acquired in over 20 years of practice.  Sara is regularly instructed in complex public and private law cases with particular expertise in complicated public law matters, including serious physical abuse, child death, fabricated illness, and sexual abuse.  Sara is very experienced in dealing with cases featuring complex medical evidence from a range of medical disciplines.  Sara represents local authorities, parents, young people who are competent to instruct their own legal representatives and Children’s Guardians.Sara is regularly instructed in complex private law matters on behalf of parents and children through rule 16.4 Guardians. She has particular experience in cases where serious allegations are made and allegations of parental alienation.Sara has undertaken the FLBA Vulnerable Witness Advocacy training enhancing her advocacy skills for cases involving vulnerable witnesses.  The FLBA has approved Sara to provide VW training courses for other FLBA members.Sara is experienced at working with and without intermediaries representing clients with cognitive and literacy challenges or other vulnerabilities.  She knows how to ensure vulnerable parties can participate in proceedings to the best of their abilities.Sara regularly delivers lectures to other practitioners on current legal developments in family law. Sara also delivers seminars for local-authority social-services professionals and solicitors on case preparation and court skills&nbsp;<strong>Chambers and Partners</strong><em>She is just excellent - very easy to speak to and brilliant with the client." "She has a thorough grasp of complicated legal issues, a calm, measured approach and the ability to present written submissions clearly and coherently." "She is robust, focused and forthright with clear and precise advocacy skills."</em>&nbsp;<strong>Positions</strong>In 2019 Sara was appointed as Recorder sitting family law on the North Eastern CircuitIn 2018 Sara was appointed as First Tier Tribunal Judge sitting in the Mental Health Tribunal&nbsp;<strong>Articles</strong>Relinquished babies: decisions and long-term impact Family Law[<strong>2020</strong>] <strong>Fam Law</strong> <strong>875 </strong>JULY 2020&nbsp;

Corin Furness

<p style="text-align: left;">Corin's practice has been confined to personal injury for 30 years.</p> <p style="text-align: left;">As a personal injury barrister, his practice focuses on serious personal injury claims, including industrial disease.  Corin represents Claimants and Defendants in these claims across the country.</p> <p style="text-align: left;">Corin is currently Head of the Personal Injury Team in Chambers.</p> <p style="text-align: left;">Between 2020 and 2024 Corin led the Civil Fraud &amp; Credit Hire Team in Chambers. He is an expert civil fraud barrister who is accomplished in defending claims where dishonesty / fraud is alleged or suspected.</p> <p style="text-align: left;">He has represented clients in the County Court, High Court and the Court of Appeal.</p> <p style="text-align: left;">Recommended in Chambers &amp; Partners and Legal 500.  In the 2025 editions, clients and colleagues described Corin as <em>" ..an excellent advocate in court, with an immediate command of the details of the case and a very effective, quietly-spoken manner which is clearly respected by the judiciary;"  </em><em>".. a fantastic barrister. He is responsive and extremely collaborative;"  </em><em>".. is very well prepared, a tenacious advocate, good on paper and good with lay clients;"  </em><em>and  ".. an all-rounder who excels in cross-examination. He's a pleasure to work with. He quickly understands instructions and advocates arguments with such clarity and persuasion."</em></p> <p style="text-align: left;">Corin is a keen runner and has raised money for NHS Charities Together with the University of Law and for Day One Trauma Support with Sintons LLP after running 75km in 7 days. He completed the Leeds Half Marathon in 2023 raising over £500 for the Rob Burrow Centre MND Appeal and again in 2024 when he raised £700 for Yorkshire Cancer Research.</p> <p style="text-align: left;">Corin sits as a Deputy District Judge on the North Eastern Circuit.</p>

Richard Copnall

Richard specialises in claims involving harm caused by professionals working in the public sector, including the NHS, local authorities, police, prison, probation, armed forces, central government departments and associated solicitors’ negligence claims. Such claims typically involve the Human Rights Act in addition to traditional common law claims. He practices in the coroner’s court, the Court of Protection, the divisional court (for judicial review) as well as the mainstream civil courts.His work cuts across the conventional divisions between: personal injury clinical negligence; professional negligence; inquests; court of protection and abuse and this is reflected in Richard’s listing in 4 practice areas and in both Legal 500 and Chambers &amp; Partners.He acts for claimants and defendants and undertakes direct access work in appropriate cases.Richard was on the Attorney General’s panel for 10 years and was often instructed in media sensitive inquests on behalf of central government departments. He has extensive experience in the Court of Appeal and in 2019 was leading counsel in a successful case before the Supreme Court. He edited the first and second editions of the APIL Guide to Pleadings. He provides regular training to practitioners, particularly in the application of the Human Rights Act to traditional “common law” litigation.His academic background is in science, and he is often at an advantage in cases involving technical, engineering, medical and accounting issues. He retains a good working knowledge of French (being fluent when living in Brussels as a child) and his Italian is improving.The guides have described him as: “<em>confident assured and bright”;</em> “<em>very thorough in his approach and one of the best cross-examiners on circuit</em>”; undertaking “<em>erudite analysis of cases”</em>; providing “<em>a high-quality service”</em> and “<em>a non-nonsense barrister who gets on and does the job.</em>” They note that he: “<em>takes the burden off the client”</em>, “<em>has flair in cour</em>t”; solicitors “f<em>eel confident on difficult cases when they know that he is on their side</em>”; “<em>He’s very empathetic and puts the client at ease when explaining the next steps</em>.” and “<em>He’s diligent, considered, methodical and very reassuring”.</em><a href="https://www.legal500.com/firms/9565-chambers-of-james-murphy/9565-leeds-england/lawyers/653343-richard-copnall/"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Legal 500.</span></a><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="https://chambers.com/lawyer/richard-copnall-uk-bar-14:224364">Chambers and Partners</a></span>

David Reade KC

David is recognised as one of the country’s leading silks in commercial litigation and employment law. He has appeared in many leading authorities.His approach to work is reflected by the quotations which appear from his clients in Chambers &amp; Partners and the Legal 500. Chambers &amp; Partners have described David as a <em><strong>"delightful guy who is very sharp-witted and highly approachable"</strong></em>, <em><strong>"imaginative in his thinking"</strong></em> and his <strong><em>"courtroom performances are extremely smooth and authoritative</em>" </strong>impressed sources say.The directories have quoted clients as saying of David that he was <em><strong>"clear, practical and extremely effective.” </strong></em> <strong><em> "a robust and fearless presence,”</em></strong>, <em><strong>"able to deal with really knotty issues”</strong></em>, <em><strong>"vivacious, bold and brilliant","pleasingly straightforward” </strong>and <strong>"helpful in getting you out of a tight spot”.</strong></em>He brings to his work experience across a broad spectrum of legal practice which has refined as his career has developed into his present fields of specialism. In dealing with clients he prides himself on being approachable and providing a service geared to the needs of the client for, as one of his clients said, he is not a  'one size fits all' type of practitioner; he tailors his approach to each client and case with great meticulousness."<em> .</em>He is also an ADR qualified mediator.David Reade KC is a Door Tenant at Parklane Plowden Chambers.

Professor Jo Delahunty KC

Jo is ranked as a ‘Star Individual’ by Chambers &amp; Partners and Tier 1 Leading Silk by Legal 500 (Ranked as Band 1 in both publications consecutively since taking silk 2006). She is Gresham Emeritus Professor of Law: her streamed lectures have a UK/International audience of many 1000’s.Jo was made a Freeman of City of London 2019 for her contribution to the law and recognised by Middle Temple as one of their 100 Women of Distinction of the last 100 years. She is a Recorder (family). Bencher- Middle Temple. In 2024 she was awarded the Panth Seva Medal by Sikhs In Law for her contribution to the community. In 2024, Jo was appointed a Reader for the Queen Elizabeth II Prize for Education. Jo is on the international corporate speaking circuit. Jo is one of those identified in the Pro Bono Recognition list of 2024.Jo deals with both public and private law children’s cases- the common link being complexity and sensitivity. Private law- high net worth clients facing or making allegations of abuse whether by the child or ex-partner, proceedings involving allegations of domestic abuse and coercive, controlling behaviour, physical, sexual and emotional abuse and neglect of a child or alleged parental/partner abuse). Transfer of residence applications and contact disputes.Jo has delivered training to the judiciary and social care professionals on DA/CCB and Vulnerability following her work in RE HN.Most recently in March 2024 Jo chaired the NAGALRO conference on 'Alienation - Reluctance, Resistance, Refusal'. In November 24 she delivered bespoke training to the Jersey Family Law service from social work and JAfcass level to the High Court. Her article on the new approach to alienation (co written with Jenny Beck KC (Hon) Nuffield Chair and Partner of Beck Fitzgerald) is shortly to be published by Family Law and a Counsel Magazine article will follow.Public law- • The death of/catastrophic injuries to a child • Non Accidental Head Injury (NAHI)/ Shaken baby allegations ( TRIAD cases) • Vitamin D/Rickets/EDS/omezrapole use/ genetic disorders and congenital malformations which can mimic child abuse • Fabricated Induced Illness (FII) allegations • Sexual abuse (Intergenerational/ Inter sibling/ maternal rape/ genital mutilation/ internet exploitation) • Ritualized child abuse/cultural practices • Child protection cases involving concurrent criminal prosecution for attempted murder/ child cruelty and neglect/ sex offences • Parent or subject child with disabilities (with a particular interest in Child in Need issues, learning disability issues and the rights of, and services for, a disabled child and/or adult parent within care proceedings) • Cases involving cross examination of a child or vulnerable adult • Re-litigation/challenge to historic findings of abuse based on emerging science/ fresh factual evidence.Jo is accredited to cross examine vulnerable witnesses (Bar Council and FLBA)You can find Jo's Wikipedia page, <a href="https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__en.m.wikipedia.org_wiki_Jo-5FDelahunty&amp;d=DwMGaQ&amp;c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&amp;r=vTjBrQ2jws_PIUSccJGCH-bP6Ph76eYniGK1vNpEX-xfy1S-ob4vAlqlWtNJnfcb&amp;m=bEOEnZVK0yLMny54CTX5o96uJtZdQ9wWPwLH5-9XdG1HkQa88WIReGRrgO-PjfP8&amp;s=nixGajBUHxr0NXss-uYaiTKZ9INuTwQ4i_h0ogdvXdA&amp;e=" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.