Sean Kelly
Sean's greatest strength is that he is equally as good on his feet in Court as he is in his drafting. Sean is my first choice Counsel to deal with any complex or high value claim.
Chambers and Partners (2025) - Chancery (Band 3)
Sean undertakes a broad range of Chancery and commercial work with emphasis on partnerships, company law, banking, contractual disputes, land law (including land registration), landlord and tenant and administration of estates. Sean has a science background and also deals with engineering and technical disputes.
As well as litigation, Sean is experienced in non-contentious drafting and transactional advice particularly with regard to companies and partnerships.
Authorised to accept public access work.
Sean has been an accredited mediator since 2011.
Areas of Expertise
Contact Sean Kelly

Sean Kelly
Sean Kelly provides clarity of advice with attention to detail. His work is completed in a timely manner and he is approachable with follow-up queries.
Chambers and Partners (2025) - Commercial Dispute Resolution (Band 2)
Sean undertakes a broad range of Chancery and commercial work with emphasis on partnerships, company law, banking, contractual disputes, land law (including land registration), landlord and tenant and administration of estates. Sean has a science background and also deals with engineering and technical disputes.
As well as litigation, Sean is experienced in non-contentious drafting and transactional advice particularly with regard to companies and partnerships.
Authorised to accept public access work.
Sean has been an accredited mediator since 2011.
Sean undertakes a full range of Business and Property Court work with an emphasis on partnerships, company law, banking, contractual disputes, real property and administration of estates. Recent work includes:
- Representing claimant in claim for mis-selling of structured collar loan of £13m
- Representing farming partnership in claim in High Court and Court of Appeal relating to implementation of partnership option
- Drafting LLP agreement for solicitors practice
- Advising on enforcement of peer-to-peer lending agreement
- Partnership claim relating to operation of joint capital account
- Representing partner on strike-out application relating to misjoinder of additional parties and under payment of court fees
Barrister and Mediator Sean Kelly has acted in numerous mediations and provided expert determinations for numerous disputes.
He has been at the Bar since 1990 and has a particular expertise in Company law and partnership. However, he is instructed in a wide range of Chancery and commercial disputes. Sean has a wide experience of non-contentious drafting and of drafting the documents needed to settle disputes.
Sean has extensive experience of professional negligence claims relating to conveyancing, business sales and the sale of financial products.
Sean has extensive experience in relation to company and partnership disputes affecting estates.
Sean undertakes a broad range of work relating to property disputes including title disputes, conveyancing negligence, landlord and tenant (residential and business) disputes and easements.
Chambers and Partners (2025) - Chancery (Band 3) - "Sean's greatest strength is that he is equally as good on his feet in Court as he is in his drafting. Sean is my first choice Counsel to deal with any complex or high value claim." "Features of Sean's counsel include the clarity of advice with attention to detail. Work is completed in a timely manner and he is approachable with follow-up queries and amendments."
Chambers and Partners (2025) - Commercial Dispute Resolution (Band 2) - "Sean Kelly provides clarity of advice with attention to detail. His work is completed in a timely manner and he is approachable with follow-up queries." "He is good on his feet."
Legal 500 (2025) - Commercial Litigation (Tier 2) - "A junior with an unruffled, measured approach and a meticulous eye for detail.'"
Chambers and Partners (2024) - Chancery (Band 3) - "Sean Kelly's strength includes providing clarity of advice with attention to detail. Work is completed in a timely manner and Sean is approachable with follow-up queries and amendments."
Legal 500 (2024) - Commercial Litigation (Tier 2) - "Sean has a knack for identifying the key issues in a dispute early on, and is excellent on his feet in court."
Chambers and Partners (2023) - Chancery (Band 3) - "Sean Kelly is an experienced barrister recognised for his broad-based expertise in chancery and commercial matters. He advises on partnership disputes, professional negligence and insolvency cases. He also handles non-contentious work and advises on transactional matters touching upon partnership and company law."
Legal 500 (2023) - Commercial Litigation (Tier 2) - "An approachable junior with an unruffled, measured approach."
Legal 500 (2022) - Chancery, Probate & Tax (Tier 1) - "He has detailed knowledge of the law and analyses the facts thoroughly and quickly. His advice to clients is strong and practical." "Sean provides practical, commercial advice. He analyses the facts quickly."
Chambers and Partners (2022) - Chancery (Band 3) - "He is very experienced and adaptable."
Chambers and Partners (2021) - Chancery (Band 3) - "Sean is very pleasant and very able." "He has great response times."
Legal 500 (2021) - Chancery, Probate and Tax (Tier 1) - "Excellent collaborator. Doesn't take over a job but provides stable support and steer, especially on complex matters. Great with clients in conference and written advice is clear and concise."
Legal 500 (2021) - Commercial Litigation (Tier 2) - "A calm and measured approach to instructions. Advice is always clear and straight to the point. Unflappable. Delivers excellent pleadings and documents which are concise and strike to the heart of the issues."
Legal 500 (2021) - Property and Construction (Tier 2) - "An impressive depth of knowledge in property law. Delivers advice on complicated issues in a way which lay clients can decipher and understand without difficulty."
Chambers and Partners (2020) - Band 3 - "Experienced barrister recognised for his broad-based expertise on chancery and commercial matters. He advises on partnership disputes, professional negligence and insolvency cases. Kelly also handles non-contentious work and advises on transactional matters touching upon partnership and company law." Strengths: "He has a detailed grasp of the law and the ability to meet challenges by judges with a detailed response." "He has an encyclopedic knowledge and a very calm manner."
Legal 500 (2020) - Commercial, Banking, Insolvency and Chancery Law (Tier 1) - "Very good for banking law."
Chambers and Partners (2019) - "Experienced barrister recognised for his broad-based expertise on chancery and commercial matters."
Legal 500 (2018/2019) - "He has a fantastic ability to quickly assimilate the key details in a case."
Chambers and Partners (2018) - "Very good on his feet, calm, measured and friendly."
Legal 500 (2017) - "His cross-examinations are always a joy to watch."
Chambers and Partners (2017) - "He is robust and gets to grips with a case quickly while not losing sight of the overall commercial objectives."
Chancery Bar Association, Northern Chancery Bar Association, Association of Partnership Practitioners
Dallimore v Trezise [2024] EWHC 837 (Ch), HHJ Blohm, KC. Whether land used by riding school is partnership property in absence of accounting records and proof of source of purchase funds.
Jagpal v Chahal [2023] 11 WLUK 344, HHJ Davis-White, QC. Ability of partnership to profit from windfall after sale of assets.
Brassington v Knights Professional Services Ltd [2023] EWHC 1568 (Ch) [2023] Costs LR 1263, HHJ Hodge, QC. Whether solicitor/deputy could be personally liable for costs which were not recoverable on assessment.
PJP (NE) Ltd v Taylor [2022] EWHC 709 (Ch) [2022] WLUK 534, claim for specific performance of contract to sell hotel which had suffered severe fire damage after making of contract.
Henry Williams Ltd v Cotton [2022] EWHC 1509. Claim against employee for breach of restrictive covenants including claims for damages for unlawful means conspiracy and account of profits.
Eville and Jones (Group) Ltd v Addiss [2021] EWHC 1310 (QB) [2022] 3 WLUK 381, application for imaging order in support of anti-competition covenant.
Liddle v Liddle [2019] EWCA Civ 346. “Date when sum due under a partnership option is ascertained”
Graham v Graham 08/05/18 (Lawtel) HHJ Pelling, QC. Proprietary estoppel relating to acquisition of land by one partner during partnership.
Banks v Turner & Grainger 20/02/18 (Lawtel), HHJ Klein. Claim to strike out partnership action for misjoinder of additional parties.
Liddle v Liddle [2017] BPIR 1538, HHJ Davis-White, QC. "Whether a debt can be partially ascertained for the purposes of a statutory demand."
Faulkner v Benett [2011] EWHC 3702 (Ch), HHJ Hodge, QC. Validity of amendment to articles of association to require former members to transfer shares.
Re Taylor (A Bankrupt) [2007] Ch 150, HHJ Kershaw, QC. Retrospective permission to issue claim against bankrupt.
Jackson v Mulvaney [2003] 1 WLR 368 (CA). Extent of easement capable of being acquired by prescription.
Trent College; Selwyn College, Cambridge
Gray's Inn Entrance Award, William Shaw Award