Employment Team | Breakfast Seminars

It is with regret that the Employment breakfast seminars have been cancelled.
Parklane Plowden Chambers has taken the decision to cancel these in response to recent government announcements.
Chambers takes the safety of our staff, barristers and instructing solicitors very seriously during this time.
The breakfast seminars will be re-arranged for later in the year and details will follow in due course.
Join our specialist team of Employment barristers for breakfast, whilst they deliver talks covering the employment law legal issues of the moment.
Registration: 8:00am
Talks Start: 8:30am to 9:30am
Breakfast & Refreshments provided.
Tariq Sadiq: Belief and Religion in the Workplace
Sophie Firth: Gender Identity in the Workplace: Terminology and Practical Tips
RSVP: sharon.robson@parklaneplowden.co.uk.
The flyer in full can be viewed here.