Employment Team: Spring Law with Lunch Webinars

Thursday 25th March, 12pm – Nicola Twine & Tim Wilkinson
Title: Covid 19: returning employees, testing and vaccination.
Synopsis: Nicola Twine and Tim Wilkinson take a look at how employers might get workers safely back to work – a short discussion including questions of: mandatory vaccinations/ testing, reluctant employees, health and safety detriments, and situations likely to give rise to employment tribunal claims. ‘
Tuesday 27th April, 1pm – Andrew Sugarman & Sophie Firth
Title: Disability: Taking the Stress Out of Stress
Synopsis: A short, topical talk to mark Stress Awareness Month examining the scope of protection afforded by the Equality Act 2010 in cases involving stress. A whistle-stop tour of the key authorities and some practical guidance about to deal with stress related disability discrimination claims.
Tuesday 18th May, 1pm – Gareth Price & Bryony Clayton
Title: Minding Mental Health
Synopsis: A webinar to mark Mental Health Awareness week, which will examine some of the practical and legal issues that employers should be aware of when managing, disciplining and dismissing employees who are suffering from a mental impairment. The webinar will cover how to recognise and talk about a mental health problems, the extent of an employer’s duty of care, making reasonable adjustments, and dealing with behavioural problems and absenteeism.’