Working closely with our clients and solicitor colleagues, PLP takes part in a number of initiatives which help support clients and the individuals they represent with access to justice in all its forms including:
The ELIPS volunteer clinic – a pro bono initiative titled the Employment Tribunal Litigant in Person Support Scheme we assist unrepresented litigants in Tribunals. It is run in collaboration with the Bar Pro Bono Unit, LawWorks (the Solicitors Pro Bono Group) and the Free Representation Unit.
Our employment barristers sign up for a morning, afternoon or the full day and provide support to clients in the form of one-off advice on the day of the clinic.
Going to Court is daunting and lawyers may forget that. Having even some knowledge of the workings of a Court or Tribunal hearing can mean the difference between a litigant prosecuting their case and being so intimidated that they withdraw from it. Our support for ELIPS provides litigants-in-person with free, face-to-face consultations with practising employment lawyers to help them prepare for upcoming hearings.
AvMA – Action against Medical Accidents – PLP pro bono support for AvMA a charity which provides pro bono help for families who have been involved in healthcare where something goes wrong and causes harm. In these cases it is vital that patients and their families are dealt with fairly and honestly, and can get the support, answers and outcomes they are entitled to expect. What people want most of all is to know the truth and that lessons will be learnt to help prevent the same thing happening to someone else.
Headway – a charity which supports life after brain injury – PLP are committed and continue to support via Corporate membership this association helping brain injury survivors and their families following a traumatic event in their lives. PLP team are involved in many initiatives raising funds for families and patients supported by this charity and raising awareness.
If you would like to work in partnership with PLP to help support clients and individuals with access to justice please contact one of the Clerks – click here.

Employment Tribunal Litigant in Person Support Scheme
Action against Medical Accidents