Iron Man Challenge, 2014 – Jim Hester

Over the weekend of 19/20 July 2014, Jim Hester and his daughter Bea will be competing in their ‘Iron’ events.
Bea spent the first few months of her life in the Special Care Baby Unit of the RVI Hospital in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Now, 5 years later, she will be competing in the ‘Ironkids’ event – a 500m run, to raise money for the Tiny Lives Trust, a charity that supports the work of the RVI’s Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU).
Jim is also raising money for Tiny Lives by competing in the ‘Ironman’ triathlon – a 3.8km swim, 180km bike-ride and 42km run (a marathon). This is the equivalent of swimming from central Newcastle up the Tyne until somewhere near Walker; then cycling to somewhere near Edinburgh; then running about half the way to Glasgow.
Any donations gratefully received.