Julia Nelson Head of Parklane Plowden’s Family Team

Parklane Plowden is delighted to announce that Julia Nelson is now head of Parklane Plowden’s Family Team. Julia will be replacing Sara Anning.
Chambers would like to thank Sara for her commitment and work that has gone into this role.
Julia has 30 years’ experience in family law and is a specialist in both matrimonial finance and private children law as well as sitting as a children law arbitrator.
Parklane Plowden acts for a range of clients, including local authorities, parents, and guardians, in a variety of children law proceedings. The cases undertaken by the barristers often involve serious abuse and injuries, as well as complex issues such as international abduction, relocations, and parental neglect. The set is a first port of call for instructing solicitors handling care proceedings. The set also possesses impressive strength in financial remedy cases, and the barristers are equipped to handle cohabitation disputes and cases involving complex assets. A source comments: “There is not a case too complex that cannot be supported by a member of chambers.” [Chambers and Partners, 2023].
Congratulations to Julia and many thanks to Sara!