Leila Benyounes in first Leeds Jury Inquest post-COVID

The Article 2 jury inquest took place over 5 days at Leeds Town Hall and touched on the death of a serving prisoner, Lewis Callaghan, who died as a result of self-inflicted injuries on 06/06/18. The jury returned a narrative conclusion on 21st May 2021 and the Senior Coroner, Kevin McLoughlin, held that a Regulation 28 Prevention of Future Deaths report was not necessary.
The Leeds Town Hall, using the old Assizes and Sessions Court at the former Crown Court, is now to be utilised over the next 6 months for inquests in order to enable social distancing for members of the jury, families and legal representatives.
Leila is Head of the Inquests Team at Parklane Plowden Chambers and is ranked as Band 1 by Legal 500 for Inquests and Inquiries. Leila has been appointed to the Attorney General’s Treasury Counsel Panel A since 2010 and was re-appointed for a further 5 year term in 2021. Leila regularly represents interested persons in a wide range of inquests and her full profile can be accessed here.