Parklane Plowden barristers and staff raise money for the Access to Justice ‘Emergency Advice Appeal’.
Every year, barristers and staff at Parklane Plowden Chambers put on their trainers and take part in the Access to Justice Legal Walks held in Leeds, Newcastle and Sheffield. This popular event, with walks up and down the country, raises money for local advice services.
Unfortunately, many of these walks have had to be postponed following the outbreak of Covid-19, which could see many specialist advice agencies closing over the next 2-12 months. The Access to Justice Foundation, the London Legal Support Trust and its partners across the funding community have therefore come together to fundraise for an emergency appeal to support a national advice fund that will be available to all free legal services.
Our ever-enthusiastic team have stepped up to the mark and have been walking, running, skipping and hopping 10km (adhering to social distancing at all times!) and donating £10 each time to the Emergency Advice Appeal, before nominating the next person to take part.
If you would like to take part, please do so. Alternatively, you can donate here.
You can see how our barristers and staff are doing by following the Parklane Plowden Under 10’s Twitter account: @plowden_10 and our main account @ParklanePlowden.