Parklane Plowden Chambers the only ranked Set for Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence work on the North East circuit.

Chambers & Partners 2016 Guide to the Bar was published last week and we’re delighted to be singled out as the only ranked Chambers for Personal Injury and Clinical negligence work on the North Eastern Circuit – affirming our position as a leading civil set.
As well as maintaining our top tier ranking, we have attained 25 individual barrister recommendations across 5 practice areas, including employment law, family law, sports law, clinical negligence and personal injury. Two of our barristers receive national recognition for their expertise in the niche area of Sports Law. Seamus Sweeney is also recognised as the only Star Individual on circuit for employment law.
The family team also do very well, with several recommendations for key members of the team.
Client service:
“The clerking at Parklane Plowden is exceptional. Parklane Plowden clerks are better than the majority, they are outstanding.”
“The head clerk there, Andy Gray, has got some of the best qualities of an old-fashioned clerk but he’s also got the business acumen of a more corporate clerk.”
Stuart Brown QC
Acts in a wide range of maximum severity cases, including those concerning cerebral palsy, obstetric negligence and catastrophic injuries. He also handles criminal and childcare cases which concern medical issues.
Strengths: “He’s very careful and analytical, which comes across very well in negotiations.”
David Wilby QC
Demonstrates particular expertise in complex cerebral palsy cases, as well as brain and spinal injury claims.
Strengths: “His strengths are thoroughness, intellect and tenacity. He doesn’t give up, even on the most difficult of cases.”
Andrew Axon
Receives considerable acclaim for his adroit handling of high-profile claims concerning cerebral palsy, misdiagnosis and birth trauma. He is the head of chambers and is instructed by both claimants and defendants.
Strengths: “His analysis is very good; he’s prepared to fight a case and his work on paper is always very clear.” “He ticks every box, he really does. If you’ve got a difficult case he seems to iron it all out for you. He’s phenomenal.”
Howard Elgot
Acts for claimants and defendants in maximum severity cases, including cerebral palsy and catastrophic brain injury claims.
Strengths: “He is an extremely thorough individual who focuses on the main issues in a particular case.” “The work that you send him is always returned promptly and he is happy to engage at any time by telephone.”
Client service:
“They are very organised, the clerks are very helpful and I have no problems instructing them.”
“The clerks – headed by practice director Michael Stubbs – are efficient, not pushy but get the job done. If we want dates they get back to us promptly and are flexible and prompt on fees.”
“Their strengths are their speed in turning papers around, the quality of advice, and their thoroughness and availability; even if you need counsel at the last minute they will find someone.”
Stuart Brown QC Highly experienced silk whose personal injury work focuses on catastrophic injury caused by RTAs, clinical negligence or other accidents. Strengths: “He is robust, very intelligent and thorough.”
Andrew Axon
Principally represents claimants in high-value cases resulting from brain and spinal injuries and amputations. Instructing solicitors value him for his excellent client manner and hugely impressive level of technical skill.
Strengths: “He displays great attention to detail and is tactically astute. He is energetic, enthusiastic, hard-working, sensible and pragmatic, but up for a scrap when one is needed.” “I would strongly recommend him; he is very thoughtful and goes through the cases very well. He is detailed in his approach, very good with clients and happy to set out matters very clearly to them.”
Recent work: Acted for the claimant in a high-value case stemming from an RTA that led to a brain injury. The case was complicated as the claimant was travelling in a car allegedly used for drug dealing.
Richard Copnall
Hugely well respected for his handling of high-value catastrophic injury cases on behalf of both claimants and defendants. Recognised expertise in cases with human rights aspects.
Strengths: “He is very well prepared and has a charming manner. He has always done an excellent job.” “He has the ability to get to the heart of the matter, making him an effective negotiator. He is very empathetic with clients.”
Recent work: Acted on a case brought by a climbing wall customer who was injured in a fall due to another customer’s failure to ‘belay’ correctly.
Stephen Friday
Acts for both claimants and defendants in a range of cases including those concerning chronic pain, amputations, and brain and spinal injuries. Particular experience regarding claims involving military personnel, having previously served in the RAF.
Strengths: “His strengths are preparation, hard work and a good client manner. He is well respected by judges for those reasons.” “He is excellent in every respect.”
Recent work: Represented an actor who was blinded in one eye following an accident with a defective stage pistol during a performance.
James Murphy
Instructed by national law firms and insurers on personal injury and industrial disease claims. Cases related to mining are a specialism of his. Instructing solicitors value his manner with clients, outstanding advocacy and availability.
Strengths: “He is extremely thorough with a great eye for detail. He takes a pragmatic approach and has good negotiating skills.” “He is an affable and ferocious opponent. I was impressed with his cross-examination of experts.”
Recent work: Acted on a claim stemming from a modest workplace accident that developed into a chronic pain condition.
Christopher Williams
Specialises principally in employer liability matters covering areas such as industrial disease and accidents at work. Also handles professional negligence matters.
Strengths: “He goes above and beyond our requirements. He is available 24/7, is always approachable and is very proactive.” “He is an extremely competent advocate who prepares well and is also adept at thinking on his feet.”
Recent work: Acted on claims made by former employees of a potash supplier alleging noise-induced hearing loss and hand-arm vibration syndrome.
Howard Elgot
Represents claimants and defendants in personal injury cases of the utmost severity involving brain, spinal and orthopaedic injuries. Noted by market observers for his strength in cases involving fatal accidents.
Strengths: “He is one of the strongest players.” “He has the courage of his convictions.”
Recent work: Represented an employee rendered tetraplegic by an accident at work. The case settled for a seven-figure sum.
Corin Furness
Works exclusively in the personal injury arena, and is well regarded for his representation of claimants and insurers.
Strengths: “He is excellent and takes a sensible and thorough approach to litigation.” “He is thorough and attentive to detail.”
Catherine Souter
Represents local authorities, large companies and insurers as defendants and trade unions as claimants. Offers particular expertise in EL/PL claims.
Strengths: “She really is a star. We were impressed by her written advice through to conferences and her performance in court.” “She is an excellent up-and-coming advocate.”
Recent work: Successfully acted for the defendant in Sargent v Methodist Care Homes, a case brought by a visitor to a care home who was injured by a falling piece of furniture.
Steven Turner
Acts principally for defendants in high-value personal injury claims. Noted for his strength in fraud and costs matters and offers additional expertise in sports law matters.
Strengths: “He is technically strong and able to think outside the box. He possesses very good client skills and is a strong advocate.” “His drafting is very good and he is forensic in looking at all the evidence in fraud cases.”
Stuart Jamieson
Works on a range of complex multi-track personal injury matters. Recent cases have concerned EL/PL matters and brain injuries.
Strengths: “He is very robust and a real hard worker.” “He goes above and beyond requirements.”
Recent work: Represented the claimant in Mohammed v Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA), an appeal that substantially increased an award to a man who had suffered severe injury from a shooting during a criminal incident.
Tom Nossiter
Recommended after receiving warm praise from market commentators. Acts principally for claimants on serious injury cases involving employers’ and public liability and RTAs.
Strengths: “He has a great manner and approach and he is excellent with clients.”
Seamus Sweeney
The only Star Individual on the North Eastern Circuit for Employment. Highly experienced in the field of employment law, he typically acts for employers in complex or large-scale issues such as equal pay claims.
Strengths: “He’s very good on his feet and skilled technically in writing and he has a good bedside manner with lay-clients.” “He always has a good grasp of the issues and can see the wood for the trees.”
Dominic Bayne
Focuses on employment disputes on behalf of both public sector organisations and individual claimants. He shows particular skill in equal pay and discrimination matters, but also has considerable experience in cases of whistleblowing, unfair dismissal and restrictive covenants.
Strengths: “He has a wonderful manner in court and is great at getting to the nub of the issue in cross-examination.”
Recent work: Acted in Greenslade v Next Distribution Ltd, a case concerning disability discrimination and unfair dismissal.
Andrew Sugarman
Has experience of handling employment law matters for organisations such as NHS Trusts, local authorities and businesses, as well as unions and individual claimants, in both the Employment Tribunal and the Employment Appeal Tribunal. He has recently been instructed in a number of discrimination claims and disciplinary matters.
Strengths: “He’s straightforward but technically able, and clients feel like they’re in safe hands.” “He’s got a lot of common sense and he knows how to play to the Tribunal.”
Recent work: Acted in Martineau & Others v Ministry of Justice, a discrimination case.
Kirti Jeram
She is typically instructed in equal pay cases, mainly acting on behalf of organisations in the public sector, such as NHS entities and local authorities.
Strengths: “Kirti Jeram presents cases really well and judges the mood of the Tribunal.”
Recent work: Acted in Ottey & Haslem v GM Packaging (UK) Ltd, where claims of unfair dismissal, upheld in the Employment Tribunal, were later reversed at the Employment Appeal Tribunal.
Joanne Astbury
Notably experienced in care and adoption proceedings, Joanne Astbury is frequently instructed on cases concerning serious harm to children. She is praised for her sensible, plain-spoken approach which simplifies complex issues.
Strengths: “She is extremely well versed in the law and a thorough and calm advocate.”
Sara Anning
Regularly instructed by local authorities in highly sensitive care proceedings. Her practice is exclusively focused on children work, and she is noted for her expertise in handling cases with serious allegations of harm against children.
Strengths: “Her attention to detail is unsurpassed. She has a very forensic, analytical mind.”
Recent work: Represented the maternal grandmother in a complex High Court case concerning a disabled mother who died while in the care of her father.
Duncan Maxwell-Stewart
Focuses on matrimonial finance cases involving businesses, farms and inherited wealth. He is also noted for his expertise in all aspects of public and private children law.
Strengths: “He is always a very sensible advocate. He always tries to find a solution but won’t take the easy option, he takes the appropriate option.”
SPORTS LAW – Ranked Nationally
Steven Turner
Routinely represents high-profile sports professionals and organisations in contractual and commercial disputes. His specialist personal injury background gives him a particular insight into insurance disputes.
Craig Moore
Handles cases for governing bodies, clubs and individual sportspeople in cycling, rugby union and football. He is regularly engaged on both contentious and non-contentious matters and has recently advised sports clients on insurance and personal injury claims.