‘Radicalisation Safeguarding and the Family Courts’ Seminar 28/1/16

Parklane Plowden hosted a successful seminar on 28th January 2016 on ‘Radicalisation Safeguarding and the Family Courts.’ Speakers included Jo Delahunty QC, Dr Gordon Clubb, Phil Booth and Alex Taylor.
The seminar dealt with many issues raised within the President’s guidance; ‘Radicalisation Cases in the Family Courts.’
Dr Gordon Clubb, a lecturer in International Security and chair of the Terrorism and Political Violence Association discussed the radicalisation processes and key issues on the subject at the outset of the seminar.
Jo Delahunty QC outlined the President’s guidance and provided a review of recent case law covering the subject matter. She also addressed Hayden J’s 9-point guidance for dealing with urgent, without notice applications as well as the need for the instruction of senior and experienced lawyers to undertake work within this area.
Phil Booth also discussed recent case law involving radicalisation. He dealt further with the issues of wardship and the assessments of risk and significant harm.
Alex Taylor concluded the seminar by discussing ‘Tagging’ and its place in the family courts. He addressed the HMCTS Guidance on Tagging or Electronic Monitoring in Family Cases as well as recent case law including Re X and Y [2015] EWHC 2265 (Fam). The issue of who should pay for GPS tags was also considered as well as Article 8 implications.
The seminar raised awareness of the impact of radicalisation and extremism in the family courts. It also highlighted the need for any party involved in these cases to have an in-depth understanding and appreciation of the legal framework within this area of law.