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<p>Parkalne Plowden's family specialists, <strong>Shabab Rizvi</strong> and pupil <strong>Rajni Virk</strong> will be giving <em>'<strong>a</strong><em><strong>n updated overview of the legal approach to domestic abuse in private family law proceedings</strong>.'<br><br></em></em>Both specialists will be considering Part 3A and vulnerable witnesses, and the practicalities of the cases involving domestic abuse / PD12J. They will also consider scott schedules / allegations.<em><br></em></p>
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<p>This event will be taking place in our Leeds Chambers on the<strong> 04 April from 16:30 onwards with the seminar starting at 17:00</strong>. As this is a hybrid event, you can also join the webinar via Zoom. </p>
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<p>You can sign up to this seminar <a href="http://lexlinks.parklaneplowden.co.uk/doForm.aspx?a=0xF15D4A97E0E04123&d=0x49EB4C9596DBE1A5^0xBDC0B87423493533|0x40F3E49C83A12815^0xAF1BA1DD83354AE1|0xF1B146662D144B75^0x8A1CDD2DB76555E3|0x9CB58EF48012E032^0x9BAE882720B3E2DD|0xA14B30AADF25AF0D^0x4538EA01547C6D9520542FC6B6F63C93|0x43D48F22BB6859DF^0x9BAE882720B3E2DD|0xD52134AC788FF0FE^0xAF1BA1DD83354AE1|">here</a>. </p>
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