
Our Employment Team, which is recognised by both the Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners as a leader in its field and is supported by an exceptionally personable and dynamic clerking team, is particularly interested in applications from high quality advocates of at least 10 years call, who wish to develop their practices to cover an increasing number of complex and higher value cases. We have an impressive client base of national companies, NHS trusts and local authorities and the turnover of the team has increased by 40% over the last 4 years.

We also welcome applications from advocates for our award winning Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Teams, as well as our Chancery and Commercial Team, Family Team and Court of Protection teams at both our Newcastle and Leeds Offices. We are seeking prospective tenants at all levels of seniority, to service our high volume of specialist work.

These opportunities present many significant benefits; superb opportunities for career advancement; first-rate clerking and administration; attractive Chambers’ rent; first-rate road and rail connectivity and excellent local academia.

We have recently taken further space in Newcastle in order to offer modern conference and clerking facilities, and to allow for the further expansion of Chambers.

If you are interested in a tenancy at Parklane Plowden we would be delighted to hear from you.

To find out more, or to apply, please contact (in the strictest confidence):

James Murphy, Head of Chambers
Tel: 0113 228 5000
email: james.murphy@parklaneplowden.co.uk

Stephen Render, Senior Practice Director (Family, Chancery and Commercial)
Tel: 0113 228 5000
email: stephen.render@parklaneplowden.co.uk

Paul Clarke, Senior Practice Director (Personal Injury, Clinical Negligence and Employment)
Tel: 0113 228 5000
email: paul.clarke@parklaneplowden.co.uk